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Helping Hands

Charity Assistance

      Does your organization have a special project or need?
New Hope Thrift Store's Charity Assistance Program is designed to aid organizations through financial support, ministry promotion (donation drives) or inventory assistance. 





Applications will be processed quarterly.

Current Processing Schedule:  March  |  June  |  September | December

Filling out a Charity Application does not guarantee a donation to the applying organization. Organizations must meet the requirements of the New Hope Thrift Store Charity Assistance Guidelines and be approved by the board.

Helping Hands

Apply for assistance ...

Financial Assistance

Apply for yearly support or

a 1 time special need.





Excess Inventory

Does your organization need inventory? We may be able to supply you with inventory which may include clothing, stuffed animals, housewares, etc...


Donation Drive
or Ministry Promotion

Can we partner with you to promote your ministry?
This could be done through a

food drive for the local food pantry or another drive that may benefit your program.

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